How to Make Daily Commute in Cebu Less of a Hassle

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For many Cebuanos, daily commute can be very challenging.

Public transportation can be such a burden. Long trips, scarcity of jeepneys, and not to mention the large number of commuters — these are just some of the challenges that many people face during their daily commute.

Some trips are less painful than others, but commuters are known to face these struggles quite frequently.

That being said, we’ve listed down some tips on how to make your daily commute more bearable.

From finding alternate routes and public utility vehicles to how you can stay productive in traffic jams, here are some life hacks that can help make traveling around Cebu less of a hassle. 

Some people find a way to be productive during their daily commute.


There is not much we can do about traffic problems in progressive cities like Cebu. 

Despite the many jeepneys and buses available, lines for commuters are getting longer by the day. Even with several road widening projects that have been completed, traffic congestion remains prevalent.

Daily commuters will have to accept these challenges and be prepared to weather the storm. 

For starters, a positive mindset can go a long way. 

Instead of dwelling on how tiring it is to have to wait, find a distraction. You can listen to music, a podcast, or the news. There are plenty of apps you can download to stay updated on current events and pop culture.

Just remember to be vigilant when pulling out your phone in public. 

You can also create a playlist of your favorite songs or watch a movie or series on an online streaming service. 

Naturally, getting used to an unwanted circumstance will take time, but when you find other ways to keep yourself busy, it’s not as inconvenient or unproductive.

In any case, it’s important that you’re ready to compromise if you’re desperate to get home. 

Philippine jeepneys come with different routes in any given city.


Waiting for that one jeepney or bus that will take you straight to your doorstep can be quite a harrowing experience. There are a ton of passengers, and you might have to fight your way through to get in the first vehicle that comes by.

Why sacrifice comfort when you can always take another route? It might not drop you off at your desired destination, but it’s a good alternative if you don’t want to stand in line for hours. 

It can be a bit of a gamble, but if you’re lucky, you’ll be home in no time. 

Since Philippine jeepneys can only cover so much of any given city, this setup is not ideal for everyone. 

This is why you should take note of the multiple alternate routes available. Prepare to take other forms of transportation as well, like motorcycle taxis if you live in more remote areas.  

Check and see which route is more convenient and less time-consuming. This way, you have several alternate routes to choose from. 

Buses are now a more prominent choice for public transportation in Cebu.


There are more options for public transportation in 2022. Buses and modernized jeepneys are common, as they can accommodate more passengers. Most commuters find them more comfortable than traditional jeepneys as well.

Modernized jeepneys (also known as e-jeeps) have taller railings and more headroom to let passengers stand when there are no seats available. 

While standing may be uncomfortable, and e-jeeps can get quite overloaded with passengers, some prefer this over having to wait too long for the next available jeepney.  

More buses are also roaming around the city. You can ride one in IT Park or SM Seaside. Make sure to take note of the route before getting on one.

Unfortunately, buses cost more than the regular jeepney fare, especially if you’ll be traveling far. You may also have to wait a while since buses have an interval after every departure.


This app is perfect if you’re desperate to get home sooner. 

Two popular apps that Cebuanos use are Grab and Angkas. For private vehicles, you can book a driver on Grab, and a motorcycle taxi on Angkas. 

It may not be the best idea to use these apps all the time, as the fare is rather expensive. But if you’re willing and capable, they’re more convenient than having to wait for a bus or jeepney.

We hope these tips can help make your daily commute a bit easier. Since there’s not much we can do about the traffic or availability of public transport, we can turn things around by keeping ourselves preoccupied while waiting or looking for other available options.

Stay safe and happy travels!

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